Jun 11 2012

Need some water below keel

Ready for the launch, hopefully this week.

May 10 2012

Spring comes to the boat yard

Sorry, no english for this.

Mar 30 2012

Waiting for the summer

Last summer took Johanna to Maarianhamina. Interesting to see what is the westmost point this summer.

Jun 27 2010

The new doghouse roof needs some varnish

Roof is missing some more varnish. Launch date planned for the coming week so few morew layers will be applied.

Jun 7 2010

Roof taken away and building a new one

The roof how it used to be and under is the new one. Cardboard was replaced with real wood.

Approx half of doghouse’s new roof is now ready. The outside top is still missing. Before that I need to put the middle layer in place. It is fiberglass mat with epoxy.

Floating at Midsummer?

Apr 25 2010

It’s gone

Decided to remove the doghouse roof and did it. The problem with it was the cardboard or something under the teak. Also the front of the roof leaked so it is time to rebuild the roof.

Feb 19 2010

Story of deck and mast work from last year

Sorry, only in finnish.

Sep 8 2008

Sorry, cant do it

Pretty irritating. This situation brings to my mind “Cola-Olli”, finnish guy who tried to make world record by drinking 1,5L of Coca-Cola fast. He couldn’t accomplish the task and said “I cant do it, too much bubbles”.  My case has no bubbles, merely it is a case of lacking the time. Launch is behind approx 5 layers of varnish but time runs out. Seems that I must accept the reality and just continue. Last year I stopped working in august and started again on this year’s april. Now I seem to have spirit to keep going, time is little bit short but at least sundays seem to be available, at least randomly. We’ll see.

Aug 19 2008

Getting readier – but slooooooowly

The orginal foredeck hatch is in it’s place again after last sunday’s work. It did require some adjustment, but not too much. After that I used screws to attach it and put some goo in between it and the deck. I could have used Sikaflex but didn’t since when you use it, you can never remove the item in one piece. That’s why I took some Proof and mixed it with wood preservative. The next part is the skylight body which is still at the moment in my living room.

Aug 6 2008

41 bolts fixed so the chain plates are now fastened

Chain plates are now fixed to the hull with 41 bolts.



Nyt on rustiraudat vihdoin kiinni. 41 pulttia ja yhtä monta uutta 8mm reikää 10mm haponkestävissä rustiraudoissa olivat tosin kevyen pajaamisen takana. Uusien reikien poraamisen syynä oli se, että kannen paksuus muuttui n. 15mm joten rustirautoja piti “nostaa” saman verran. Nyt ne ovat kiinni 8mm kuumagalvanoiduilla pulteilla, sillä ajattelin että sopivat paremmin yhteen galvanoitujen teräskaarien kanssa kuin haponkestävät. Vielä kun ruuvikauppiaat olisiivat osanneet laskea oikein niin ei tarvitsisi hakea lisää prikkoja mutterien alle. Olivat onnistuneesti toimittaneet 100 prikan sijasta n. 70. Olis taas pityänyt tarkistaa…Tapit saan huomenissa, joten parin päivän päästä on suurin osa rungon rei’istä ummessa. Kyljet on hionnan jälkeen jo maalattu pariin otteeseen Farvolinella ja jälki on niin hyvä ja kelvollinen, että se Epifanes voi todella jäädä ensi kevääseen.

Skylightin runkopalatkin on sovitettu kanteen, vielä tarvitaan yksi “kattopala” niin rungon voi ruuvata ja liimata kasaan ja laittaa kanteen kiinni. Keulaluukku on lakkaa vailla irrallaan eli ennen lakkausta se pitää istuttaa kanteen kiinni – pientä säätöä tarvitaan. Ja sitten maston kimppuun? Ja lakkaa Eposealin pääle n. 4-5 kertaa. = about valmis? Ei, mutta vesillelaskukunnossa kyllä.

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