Feb 19 2010

Story of deck and mast work from last year

Sorry, only in finnish.

Jun 5 2009

Hull almost ready

All four planks are fixed, and two pairs of frames are installed. Bilge is painted once and needs another paint layer. Then the engine bed and support bearing of propeller shaft and the shaft system and bilge starts to be ready.

May 26 2009

Have to adjust the launch date

Now it starts, rescheduling the launch date…..

At least a partly reason was the fact that 3 or 4 keelplanks or parts of them and two pair of frames  has to be changed. Frames are already installed and also two plank ends on the starboard side. One or two remains to be done during this week. One of those may change to just fitting a dutchman.

Mast is out and ready to be worked on. Maybe already next week?

May 9 2009

Hole in the hull

Two pairs of frames are removed. The other was steel, the other oak. Steelframes were badly damaged by corrosis, probably due to prop shaft tube which had a connection with the frames (it was bronze). Oak frames were pretty soft in the lowest parts since they got wet by water which creeped in thru the tube.

First pair of frames is done, the other pait is ready within next few days. After that the bilge needs to be impregnated. One or two plank ends will be replaced, here is the first one away:


The engine bed parts are taking shape, work progresses quit slowly since I do not want to work the steel inside the boat due to fire hazard. The thrust bearing support has been measured to it’s place and two holes drilled to the steel frames to mark it’s position.

Mar 19 2009

Propeller shaft tube removed


Removed the shaft’s tube which goes thru the hull. It was sticking quite hard in the black stuff, but after heating it approx 20 min with a heat gun from the inside it started to move easily and I pulled it out. I removed also the rusted steel frame pair which is still sitting there in the picture.

Now I need to clean the bilge, glue new frames and modify the engine bed. There is still time.

Jun 14 2008

Vacation week gone – where is the end

Sorry, this entry is only available in finnish.

Jun 6 2008

Takakaarre häämöttää ja meikäläinen on hyvissä kyttäysasemissa….

Perjantai ja lomaviikko edessä. Saas nähdä kuinka paljon hommia on tekemättä viikon kuluttua. Poliitikot sanoisivat jotta homma on valmis silloin, mutta itse olen sen verran lähempänä todellista elämää etten menisi tuollaista vielä tässä vaiheessa lausumaan.

Potkuriakselin laakeri ei sitten ollutkaan pronssia, vaan valkometallia. Se on itsevoiteleva ja vaihdetaan siten, että vannasputken pää – eli se missä laakeri lepää – valetaan täyteen valkometallia ja sen jälkeen koneistetaan akselille sopivaksi. Pätevä ratkaisu, mutta Tammisaaresta löytynyt tekijä ei sitä ehdi tekemään ennen syksyä ja toisen kommentin perusteella lähin tekijä löytyisi Savon suunnalta eli sieltä missä höyrylaivoissa on samantyyppisiä laakereita. Ratkaisuja on kaksi: joko vaihdan sen kumilaakeriksi eli vannasputken pää menee samalla vaihtoon tai sitten laitan vanhan paikoilleen ja vaihdan syksyn ja talven aikana sekä vannasputken että moottorin. Kahellaan.

May 26 2008

That’s it…

Last pieces fixed to the deck today. Some remaining screws waiting, bungs and Sika and sanding………

Removed the propeller.

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